Scoil Mhuire Buncrana

Transition Year

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Aims of Transition Year

In Transition Year we aim to promote maturity in our students, assisting each and every student to develop as an individual, to become an independent and self motivated learner.

We also aim to help prepare for adult life through our work experience programme. In addition, we aim to develop a civic awareness in our Transition Year students through various initiatives serving the local community, through fundraising and a variety of social awareness projects. We also aim to promote the needs of the less fortunate and develop a global awareness in our transition years.

Why Transition Year?

  • To provide a learning structure which promotes maturity
  • To develop a wide range of cognitive and emotional skills
  • To be learning led rather than exam driven
  • To ensure breadth and balance in the curriculum
  • To provide experiential learning
  • To challenge students in all areas of development
  • To facilitate interdisciplinary and cross-curricular links
  • To develop life skills
  • To enable students to become independent, self-directed and self-regulated learners

What kind of student benefits from Transition Year?

Students with the following qualities gain most from Transition Year:

  • Good Motivation/Earnest Worker/Young Student/those undecided about subject choice.
  • Those who are interested in an “all round” education rather than a purely academic one.
  • The student that needs to develop greater confidence and maturity before facing Senior Cycle.

Recent studies completed by the National Council for Curriculum & Assessment show that, overall, students who take Transition Year:

  • Score higher results in the Leaving Certificate - Transition Year students do better by an average of 26 points (Repeat students only gain by an average of 5 points).
  • Are more likely to select Leaving Certificate subjects at higher level.
  • Transition Year students are more likely to be ’educationally adventurous’ - they are more likely to try subjects they had not tried before.

Programme Content

Our programme includes both academic and non academic studies. Traditional subject areas such as English, Irish, Maths, Religion, History, Geography, Languages, Computer applications, and Sciences are covered whilst students are given the opportunity to explore options such as Music, Art, Drama, Food Science, Leadership for Life , Robotics, Horticulture, Coding Ambassadors, Young Social Innovators, Enterprise, Photography, Driver Theory, Tourism and Global Affairs.

In the vocational dimension of the Programme, students are given an insight into the world of work in a work experience placement, through the get safe work safe programme, the enterprise module and Career Guidance. They are out on work experience every Wednesday. Students are required to change to a new placement after Christmas. They also attend various careers fairs and university open days throughout the year.( See below for more detail)

There are a lot of extra curricular activities involved in the programme such as debates, journalism, competitions, interviewing, field trips and outdoor pursuits. A number of guest speakers and workshops take place throughout the year on various topics e.g. mental health, disability awareness, cyberbullying, sexual health, social media awareness, enterprise, careers and teambuilding.

Students are encouraged to volunteer in their community to develop their social awareness and charitable nature. This is also a requirement of the Gaisce programme and Pope John Paul Award. The activities they take part in include, reading at mass, collecting parish draw, visiting the old people’s homes, helping out at the homework club, teaching senior citizens to use IT, reading buddies in the primary schools, volunteering with Foróige, youth clubs, sports clubs and collecting money on flag days for various charities.

Transition Year Finances

The Scoil Mhuire TY Programme is supported by student contributions of €150. The students’ Journal, Portfolio folder and insurance is included in this cost. In addition to these contributions, the students are asked to provide €60 to cover the cost of the Outdoor Education Trip to Adventure Centre as part of their Gaisce Presidents Award. Some additional costs can be incurred e.g. Dublin Trip €40, workshops, and an occasional contribution to transport. There are facilities in place which allow prospective TY students with limited resources to benefit from the experiences of the TY Programme with financial aid from the school.


Work Experience

Get Safe Work Safe HSE

Safe Food HSE

Irish Red Cross First Aid Qualification ( 2 days)

Garda Vetting

Driver Theory Test

Overnight Trip to Dublin

(universities & Museums)

Junk Kouture

Young Social Innovators

St Patrick’s Mental Health Workshop

Positive Mental Health week

Minimed Programme (Beaumount Hospital)

TY Physics Programme (Trinity College)

CTY Ireland Talent Search (DCU)

Pope John Paul II Award

Gaisce Award

Overnight stay Adventure Centre

Ski Trip

Spanish Exchange/Twinning

Careers Fairs

Build a Bank Challenge

Field Trips

Road safety roadshow

Drama Production

Music Performance

Pop goes Primary Talent Competition

Reading Buddies

Fetac Level 4 Computer applications*

Kayaking and Orienteering

Sailing Course

Mini Company

Sport for All FAI qualification

Kick Start 1 FAI qualification

GAA Future Leaders

Leadership for life

Teaching Coding to Primary school pupils

European Trip

UCD Physics TY work experience

Beacon Project

Youthscape Programme

Empathy Programme

Self Defence Training

Garda Vetting Forms

Students who are aged 16 or 17 and who require Garda Vetting must complete Form NVB1 and NVB3. With regard to Form NVB1

  • Parent's/Guardian's email must be entered in the email address field, NOT the student
  • Parent's/Guardian's contact number must be entered, NOT the student's

Form NVB1 and NVB3 must be returned to the school office (Nikki) as soon as possible after receiving it.

Please click here for Form NVB1 and Form NVB3

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Follow us
Scoil Mhuire Buncrana,
St Oran's Road,
Co. Donegal,
F93 PN53

074 93 61065

© 2025 Scoil Mhuire Buncrana