Scoil Mhuire Buncrana

Student Leadership

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Student Leadership Team 2024-2025

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Scoil Mhuire is delighted to announce our Student Leadership Team for 2024-25. We are extremely lucky to have such a talented group of students to represent our school community as leaders. Mr. N. Doherty and Ms McLoughlin would like to thank all the students for undertaking their roles and to congratulate them on their achievements to date. Guímis gach rath agus beannacht orthu.

Head Girl

Kayla McColgan 6B

Head Boy

Killian Doherty 6C

Deputy Head Girl

Caoimhe Lafferty 6C

Kayla McEleney 6A

Deputy Head Boy

Charlie Campbell 6B

David Wilson 6C

Senior Prefects

Aoibhín Doherty 6A

Aine Jordan 6B

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Student Council 2024-2025

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Congratulations to the students who were recently elected to Scoil Mhuire's Student Council. The Student Council allows our students to use their voices collectively, work together as a group and to shed light on different areas of student life that can be improved. Most importantly however, they speak as students for students. Our thanks to Ms. O'Sullivan who is coordinator of the Student Council.

Follow us
Scoil Mhuire Buncrana,
St Oran's Road,
Co. Donegal,
F93 PN53

074 93 61065

© 2025 Scoil Mhuire Buncrana