Scoil Mhuire Buncrana

School Staff

Scoil Mhuire Buncrana is currently developing this website and improve the ICT infrastructure within the school. As part of this programme, Staff Email accounts, supported by Google Apps Educational Edition have become available, any memeber of staff who would like to avail of one please contact the ICT department.

The links below allow for access to the staff email and to the VSWare within the school. Please contact the main office if you can not access VSWare.

Staff Email

VSWare Login

Posts of Responsibility September 2019

Assistant Principals I Ms Carlin
Assistant Principals I Mr N Doherty
Assistant Principals I Mr Fitzsimons
Assistant Principals I Ms Folan
Assistant Principals I Ms McBride
Assistant Principals I Ms K McGonagle
Assistant Principals I Ms McGovern
Assistant Principals I Ms Wheston
Assistant Principals II Mr Seamus Baldrick
Assistant Principals II Ms Marie Boyce
Assistant Principals II Ms Rosaleen Campbell
Assistant Principals II Ms Serena Crawford
Assistant Principals II Ms Theresa McElhinney
Assistant Principals II Ms Annette McGonagle
Assistant Principals II Ms Maureen Moran
Assistant Principals II Mr Tommy O’Neill

Wellbeing Teachers September 2019

1st year HEAD

Mr. Fitzsimons 2019-2020

1A Ms R Deeney
1B Ms D Dowds
1C Ms M Folan
1D Mr M Gallagher
1E Mr D Keegan
1F Ms E McGuinness

2nd year HEAD

Ms Wheston 2019-2020

2A Ms F Sharkey
2B Mr K Campbell
2C Ms C Gralton
2D Ms Edel O Connor
2E Ms Lauren Quinn

3rd year HEAD

Ms Carlin 2019-2020

3A Ms F O Sullivan
3B Ms A McGonagle
3C Ms S O Brien
3D Ms Catherine Doherty

5th year Head

Mr Neil Doherty 2019-2020

5A Ms B Doherty
5B Mr Carr
5C Ms Amanda Doherty
5D Ms L Dolan
5E Ms A Dillon
LCA 1 Ms Boyle/Ms K McGonagle
TY A Mr Baldrick
TY B Ms Boyce
TY C Ms C McDermott

6th year Head

Ms McBride 2019-2020

6A Ms Ward
6B Ms McCafferty
6C Ms A Deeney
6D Ms F McLaughlin
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School newspaper produced by the Transition Year students
Scoil Mhuire Buncrana,
St Oran's Road,
Co. Donegal,
F93 PN53

074 93 61065

© 2024 Scoil Mhuire Buncrana