Please note that the senior cycle is currently under review by the NCCA. All updates can be seen here:
Leaving Certificate Programme
Students at Senior Cycle follow a two-year programme leading to the Leaving Certificate Examination in June. All subjects are offered at Higher and Ordinary levels with students being encouraged to pursue subjects at higher levels. Foundation level is available in Mathematics and Irish, according to our student’s needs.
The new Leaving Certificate grading system was introduced in 2017 and allocates marks from a H1 – H8/O1 - O8 and provides a broader opportunity for students to achieve.

Students are afforded every opportunity to meet with Guidance teachers for advice on college courses, application requirements and the multiple career options available. We take a student-centered approach to subject options with the opportunity being afforded to study an extensive curriculum. Students are surveyed well in advance of entering senior cycle and every opportunity is taken to ensure student preference is met resulting in the highest possible satisfaction rating.
Leaving Certificate subjects currently on offer in Scoil Mhuire