Scoil Mhuire Buncrana

Classroom Based Assessments

Classroom Based Assessments

The grid below represents an overview of the Classroom based assessments taking place in all Junior Cycle Subjects and the Wellbeing short courses, (PE, SPHE, and CSPE). The information has been taken from the most recent subject assessment guidelines. For a full understanding of these classroom-based assessments, it is important to read the relevant subject assessment guidelines in full available A link to the relevant assessment guidelines (where available) is provided in line with each subject below. These assessment guidelines provide schools with the autonomy to complete the Classroom Based Assessments so that they can suit the particular needs, contexts, and circumstances of students. Our school supports the completion of the assessments by, among other actions, ensuring that the most up to date version of NCCA Guidelines for the Classroom-Based Assessments and Assessment Task are provided to teachers.


CBA One: Oral Communication

CBA Two: The Collection of the Student’s Texts

Link to Assessment Guidelines:

Student Learning

Students are given an opportunity to choose a topic or issue that is of interest or importance to them and to carry out an exploration over time. The development of basic research skills will be central here. This Classroom-Based Assessment provides useful opportunities for the study of a range of oral presentation styles. In addition, the task offers students opportunities, where appropriate, to collaborate with classmates.

Creative writing is a vital part of English, but students are not ‘born’ writers. They need to develop a voice and an identity, a good sense of audience, and an awareness of the process of writing. This is best done over time, with supportive feedback and scaffolding from the teacher.

How will students demonstrate their learning?

In completing the Oral Communication CBA, students may use the following formats:

1. Performance

2. Presentation

3. Interview

4. Response to stimulus material

Oral Communication can be completed by the student as an individual or as a member of a group.

In most cases, the work in the student’s collection will arise from normal classwork. Students will, during Years two and three, plan to complete and retain at least four texts.

Completion of this Classroom-Based Assessment in Year three involves each student choosing two texts from their collection to submit for assessment.

Length of Classroom based assessment

While oral communication will form part of everyday learning and teaching across Years One and Two, the preparation for and communication by students of their Oral Communication Classroom Based Assessment must be completed over a period of three school weeks. (Usually Term 2 of second year.)

The collection is developed across second year and third year. The CBA is completed in third year. (Approx. 18 months)


CBA One: Mathematical Investigation

CBA Two: Statistical Investigation

Link to Assessment Guidelines:

Student Learning

Students engage with the mathematical problem-solving cycle; defining the problem statement, finding a strategy and translating it to mathematics (if necessary), engaging with the problem and solving it if possible, and interpreting the solution in the context of the original problem. Students will have the opportunity to develop their mathematical, communicative, research and collaboration skills, competencies and knowledge.

Students engage with the statistical enquiry cycle; designing the investigation, identifying the variables of interest and choosing reliable, valid measurement methods for gathering data on each variable, gathering, organising and managing thedata, analysing and interpreting the data in the context of the original question. Students will have the opportunity to develop their mathematical, communicative, research and collaboration skills, competencies and knowledge.

How will students demonstrate their learning?

Students research a question that they have about the world around them or that they have explored in the course of their mathematical studies. Students will produce a report and submit their research records. They have choice about the format of their report and possibilities to collaborate.

Students research a statistical question that they have about the world around them or that they explored in the course of their mathematical studies. Students will produce a report and submit their research records. They have choice about the format of their report and possibilities to collaborate.

Length of Classroom based assessment

Three-week window in Year Two

Three-week window in Year Three


CBA One: An Phunann Teanga

(Language Portfolio)

CBA Two: Tasc Cumarsáideach (Communicative Task)

Link to Assessment Guidelines:

How will students demonstrate their learning?

Students choose three pieces of work from 2nd and 3rd year to demonstrate the development of their language skills. They include at least one piece of recorded oral work and at least one piece for which literature was a stimulus. Each piece is accompanied by a reflective note demonstrating the student’s self-awareness as a learner.

Students work individually, in pairs or in groups to research a topic or issue of interest to them. Students are free to choose the format of their oral communication: a presentation, an interview, role-play, a conversation in response to a stimulus, a performance or demonstration of a creative piece of their own (e.g. poem, song, dramatic piece or story) to best illustrate their oral and interactive competencies. The presentation lasts between 3 and 4 minutes, including time to answer non-scripted questions from the teacher and respond to input from fellow students.

Length of Classroom based assessment

While the language portfolio is built up as part of normal classwork across 2nd and 3rd Year and demonstrates the student’s learning journey, the CBA is completed in a three-week period before the end of Term 1 in 3rd Year.

While the student’s communicative skills are developed over three years, the student researches and presents CBA 2 in a three-week period by the middle of Term 2 of 3rd Year.

Business Studies

CBA One: Business in Action

CBA Two: Presentation

Link to Assessment Guidelines:

Student Learning

Group project based on one of three options: Enterprise in action, Economics in action, and Finance in action.

Students will act as consumers, entrepreneurs, managers and decisionmakers as they plan and conduct research, analyse data and information, problem-solve and make decisions, use digital technology to manage information, and take action. They will learn about, and make informed decisions about, their own resources and issues of social, cultural and global importance. These are essential skills required for life, work and further education.

This Classroom-Based Assessment helps students to apply course learning to their daily lives, integrate theoretical ideas to practical contexts and begin to develop reflective skills. It is designed to build on the positive dialogue between students and teachers on business-related interests throughout the three years of study.

The Presentation is an individual project. It comprises of three areas of activity:

▪ Investigating

▪ Making informed judgements

▪ Communicating.

How will students demonstrate their learning?

This group-based research project comprises of four areas of activity: conducting research; evaluating information; developing action plans; and reporting findings. Students should collaborate with classmates in order to complete the project, but teachers should ensure that each student makes an individual contribution to the project, and produces their own evidence to meet the Features of Quality for this assessment

Each student will present orally on what they have learned having examined a business-related topic. The information should be presented in their own words to demonstrate personal understanding of the knowledge and ideas relevant to the chosen topic. Students can use a range of different support materials and tools, taking into account a school’s unique context and the abilities and interests of the individual students

Length of Classroom based assessment

During a maximum of four weeks with support/guidance from teacher

During a maximum of four weeks with support/guidance from teacher


CBA One: Extended Experimental Investigation

CBA Two: Science in Society Investigation

Link to Assessment Guidelines:

Student Learning

Students should have developed sufficient knowledge, skills and understanding over the course of first and second year to undertake an EEI. As part of ongoing teaching, learning and assessment of the learning outcomes for Junior Cycle Science, students should have opportunities to develop inquiry and practical skills, including skills to manipulate and use laboratory equipment safely as they realise various learning outcomes.

A student will, over a three-week period, formulate a scientific hypothesis, plan and conduct an experimental investigation to test their hypothesis, generate and analyse primary data, and reflect on the process, with support/guidance from the teacher.

Students should have developed sufficient knowledge, skills and understanding over the course of first, second, and third year to undertake an SSI in the middle of third year. As part of ongoing teaching, learning and assessment of the learning outcomes for Junior Cycle Science, students should have opportunities to develop research skills, including skills to report on and evaluate information as they realise various learning outcomes.

A student will, over a three-week period, research a socio-scientific issue, analyse the information/secondary data collected, evaluate the claims and opinions studied, and draw evidence-based conclusions about the issues involved, with support/guidance from the teacher.

How will students demonstrate their learning?

Through submitting a report and research records in a format of their choosing

Through submitting a report and research records in a format of their choosing

Length of Classroom based assessment

Over the course of three weeks, students will engage in four activities which contribute to the generation of their evidence of learning and achievement in the Extended Experimental Investigation.

Over the course of three weeks, students will be engaged in three activities that contribute to the generation of their evidence of learning and achievement in the Science in Society Investigation.

Visual Art

CBA One: Process to Realisation

CBA Two: Communicate and Reflect

Link to Assessment Guidelines:

Student Learning

Students may work individually or groups of up to three.

• Using their Visual Art Sketchpad students:

• Research and explore theme/s issued by the NCCA

• Use primary sources appropriate to their selected theme Develop and refine their ideas and skills through an artistic process

• Realise an artefact primarily in one of the Visual Art Strands (Art, Craft or Design)

Students will work individually

The third year of Visual Art will involve a project brief issued by SEC. The brief will specify three themes which will of necessity serve as the brief for CBA 2 (Phase 1) and the final assessment (Phase 2).

• Using their Visual Art Sketchpad students will:

• Research, experiment and develop ideas and techniques from a range of primary sources based on theme/s in the brief

• Develop their ideas and skills primarily through two strands not carried out in CBA 1

• Present their research work and reflect on feedback from their teacher and peers

• Propose how they might develop their ideas further towards two artefacts for phase 2.

How will students demonstrate their learning?

Students may work individually or groups three.

• Students will record their research and developmental work, annotations and reflections in their Visual Art sketchpad

• Complete and present a realised work (2-dimensional artefact, 3-dimensional artefact, instillation, site-specific sculpture, animation, film etc...)

Completed by students on an individual basis. Students will record their research, experimentation, developmental work, annotations and reflections in their Visual Art sketchpad

• Students will use the material from their Visual Art sketchpad to present or discuss their initial thoughts, ideas and experimentations and how they might shape their work for the final assessment

• Based on feedback students reflect upon their work and the direction they will take it in for the state–certified final assessment

Length of Classroom based assessment

A list of themes issued by state examinations commission on the first date back to school in January. (6th January 2020) The teacher has the autonomy to decide the duration, the start date, finish date to suit their students and context within this window.

In third year, students work from a project brief. The project brief is issued by SEC and is carried out in two phases during the year, started beginning of September.

• The first phase, which constitutes CBA 2. The window opens early September to mid Dec.

• The teacher has the autonomy to decide the start date, duration and finish date to suit their students and context within this window

Phase 2 involves separate work to be submitted to the State Examinations Commission


CBA One: Oral Communication

CBA Two: The Student Language Portfolio

Link to Assessment Guideline

Student Learning

The purpose of this Classroom-Based Assessment is for the student to demonstrate the skills of oral production and oral interaction. However, other skills may be developed, e.g. reading, writing, listening, basic research.

The student will focus on an aspect of the target language country(ies) or culture; or on a simulation of an experience in a target language country; or on a topic or stimulus of interest.

Students may work individually, in pairs or in a group.

Students learn a lot from the process of language acquisition when they are taught how to use a portfolio to document and reflect on their learning. They need to develop confidence in interaction and an awareness of the process of language acquisition.

How will students demonstrate their learning?

In completing the oral communication activity students may use any one of the following formats:

• Interview

• Role-play

• Presentation

• Conversation in response to stimulus material.

The teacher asks a number of questions, irrespective of the format chosen, to help gauge student comprehension and capacity to respond to simple, unscripted questions, appropriate to the age and stage of language learning.

The student language portfolio will include a broad range of items, such as written texts, projects, audio-visual materials, learning logs, student reflections and learning goals. It is recognised that in this context the student’s created texts may be presented in different formats— handwritten, digital, multi-modal, and so on.

Completion of the Classroom-Based Assessment process involves each student choosing three texts from the portfolio to submit for assessment, one of which will be in oral format.

Length of Classroom based assessment

Three weeks.

Term 2, second year.

Whilst students begin compiling a portfolio of their language learning from first year onwards, only texts (oral, written, digital) which are created in second and third year of their junior cycle can be submitted for the purposes of assessment and reporting in the JCPA.


CBA One: The Past in my place

CBA Two: A life in time

Link to Assessment Guidelines:

Student Learning

The students will have the opportunity to develop the research skills of the Historian. In groups, pairs or individually they will identify and investigate sources of evidence on into a historical aspect or theme relating to the locality, place or personal/family history of the student.

The students will have the opportunity to further develop the research skills of the Historian. Individually, they will undertake a structured evidence-based enquiry into the historical life and experiences of a person of interest.

How will students demonstrate their learning?

The students will demonstrate their learning by creating a display of their findings of the type you may encounter in a museum or library. The display will incorporate their reflections on their experience of conducting Historical research.

The students will demonstrate their learning by composing a written record outlining their findings on the person they chose to investigate. The written record will be accompanied by a reflection note outlining their experience of historical research.

Length of Classroom based assessment

3-week window 3rd term of 2nd year

3-week window 2nd term of 3rd year


CBA One: Geography in the News

CBA Two: My Geography

Link to Assessment Guidelines:

Student Learning

Students will undertake a structured inquiry into a recent geographical event of significance on a local, national or global scale, reported in the media and analyse the significance of this event through the lens of the three elements: processes, patterns, systems and scale, geographical skills and sustainability.

Students undertake a structured inquiry into a geographical aspect(s) in a local area. Students explore and analyse if and how the elements (processes, patterns,

systems and scale, geographical skills and sustainability) manifest themselves in the geographical aspect(s). As part of data gathering, students are encouraged to engage in geographical investigations, including field work.

How will students demonstrate their learning?

Students will demonstrate their learning by producing a report which can be completed individually or within groups, focusing upon their structured inquiry that is based upon a recent media source relating to a geographical event. Students may shape their response using different formats which is decided upon with their teacher.

Students will demonstrate their learning by producing a report, individually or in groups, on their structured inquiry based upon their investigation into geographical aspect(s) of a local area. Students may shape their response using a range of different formats, to be decided upon in agreement with their teacher.

Length of Classroom based assessment

Three-week window in Year Two

Three-week window in Year Three

Home Economics

CBA One: Creative Textiles

CBA Two: Food Literacy Skills Brief

Link to Assessment Guidelines:

Student Learning

Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their practical textile and crafts skills in a creative way. Students will actively engage with the design brief process and develop their knowledge, understanding, skills and values of many of the learning outcomes across Strands 2 and 3.

Students will use the design brief process to demonstrate their culinary and creative food literacy skills and nutritional knowledge in researching analysing and planning of a food literacy brief for everyday living.

How will students demonstrate their learning?

Students will: Make a textile item for an individual or the home or Recycle or upcycle a textile item for an individual or the home. They will submit a short concise written account of how they have applied the design brief process and a student reflection.

Briefs will be issued by SEC. Students will follow the design brief process, undertake research, generate ideas and examine all aspects of the brief. Students will provide a short-written account which will include a summary of teacher/peer feedback and a reflection.

Length of Classroom based assessment

Year Two.

8-10 weeks, dependent on access to appropriate and specific resources.

Year Three.

Length not stated in Assessment Guidelines. Linked to the SEC practical food skills examination. NO ASSESSMENT TASK


CBA One: Composition Portfolio

CBA Two: Programme Note

Link to Assessment Guidelines:

Student Learning

An opportunity to celebrate students’ achievements as creators of music artefacts, by compiling a collection of their musical ideas. Through this process, students will develop their musical voice and their identity. When composing music for their chosen audience, students will learn how to bring an idea from concept to realisation.

The student will prepare a programme note to illuminate the content of their three pieces for their practical performance in an interesting and relevant way. While this illumination is important for the audience, it also enriches the performance by the student.

How will students demonstrate their learning?

Learning begins from Year One.

Compositions are produced over time with support and guidance from teacher

The learning is on the developmental nature and process of creating and composing music. There is no restriction on the types, styles, genres, choices the students make. Two pieces from the portfolio will be presented in written, digital, visual, audio or any other format for assessment purposes.

Learning begins from Year One.

Through the provision of background information which provides important insights into the composer’s intentions, and an understanding of the wider context of the music to be performed. Providing the listener with aural signposts and interesting anecdotes about the composer/piece, enlightens and informs their experience. Any format is acceptable for assessment purposes.

Length of Classroom based assessment

Students will choose two pieces from their collection and will present these for assessment purposes towards the end of Year Two. A student reflection note must be included with each of the pieces submitted.

Learning begins from Year One. The Programme Note will need to be completed two weeks in advance of the practical examination, which usually takes place towards the end of term 2 of year 3, or the start of term 3 of year 3. The Programme Note should take no more than three weeks to complete and should be completed with support and guidance from the teacher.


CBA One: Engineering in Action

CBA Two: Research and Development

Link to Assessment Guidelines: Will be available on

Student Learning

Students will investigate real-life applications of the processes and principles of engineering. Students can focus their investigation through the lens of a specific strand, a combination of two strands or can adopt an integrated approach across all three strands. The students will communicate their findings through any appropriate media

This Classroom-Based Assessment will encourage students to carry out research based on a theme which will be reflective of an aspect of the final project. The purpose of this CBA is to research, explore and present their findings through any appropriate media. Classroom-Based Assessment 2 will inform the project assessment.

How will students demonstrate their learning?

Further information will be set out in the Assessment Guidelines

Further information will be set out in the Assessment


Length of Classroom based assessment

The CBA will be completed within a three-week period during term two of second year.

The CBA will be completed within a three-week period during term one of third year.

Wood Technology

CBA One: Wood science in our environment

CBA Two: Student Self-Analysis and Evaluation

Link to Assessment Guidelines: Will be available on

Student Learning

Students will explore a wood science-related issue within a local/global context. They will analyse the information/data collected, evaluate and present the findings of their research of the issue they have

investigated, with support/guidance from the teacher. It is important to instil in students a curious disposition where they are free to experiment and encouraged to explore new and challenging opportunities and to reflect on the process.

The student, individually, will conduct an analysis of their coursework and skills to date in Wood Technology. Students will focus their analysis and evaluation on a range of completed tasks or on a specific task. Students are expected to critically review their progress and identify areas of strength and areas for improvement, with a view to

informing their planning and decisions for the project

How will students demonstrate their learning?

Further information will be set out in the Assessment Guidelines

Further information will be set out in the Assessment


Length of Classroom based assessment

The CBA will be completed within a three-week period during term one of second year.

The CBA will be completed within a three-week period during term one of third year and will inform the student’s work on the project.

Applied Technology

CBA One: Exploring the application of controlled systems in a local context

CBA Two: Student Self-Analysis and Evaluation

Link to Assessment Guidelines: Will be available on

Student Learning

This is an investigation-based project that will provide students with the opportunity to individually or collaboratively explore the role of controlled systems in their local environment such as their classroom, school, community, etc.

The student, individually, will conduct an analysis of their coursework and skills to date in Applied Technology. Students will focus their analysis and evaluation on a range of completed tasks or on a specific task. Students are expected to critically review their progress and identify areas of strength and areas for improvement, with a view to informing their planning and decisions for the project.

How will students demonstrate their learning?

Further information will be set out in the Assessment Guidelines

Further information will be set out in the Assessment


Length of Classroom based assessment

The CBA will be completed within a three-week period during term two of second year.

The CBA will be completed within a three-week period during term one of third year and will inform the student’s work on the project.


CBA One: Communicating Through Sketching

CBA Two: Graphical presentation skills

Link to Assessment Guidelines: Will be available on

Student Learning

This Classroom-Based Assessment will provide students with the opportunity to develop their skills to become competent in communicating through sketching. Students will be asked to graphically communicate their ideas using two-dimensional and three-dimensional sketching techniques in response to a chosen stimulus theme.

This Classroom-Based Assessment will focus on how effectively students present their research graphically. Through this CBA, students research and investigate the domain in which the project is situated and present their findings graphically through any appropriate graphical media.

How will students demonstrate their learning?

Further information will be set out in the Assessment Guidelines

Further information will be set out in the Assessment


Length of Classroom based assessment

The CBA will be completed within a three-week period

The CBA will be completed within a three-week period

Religious Education

CBA One: A Person of Commitment

CBA Two: The Human Search for Meaning

Link to Assessment Guidelines: Will be available on

Student Learning

Students will, over a specified time, research and present on a person whose religious beliefs or worldview have had a positive impact on the world around them, past or present.

Students will, over a specified time, explore artistic or architectural or archaeological evidence that shows ways that people have engaged in religious belief/the human search for meaning and purpose of life.

How will students demonstrate their learning?

Individual or group report that may be presented in a wide range of formats – Further information will be set out in the Assessment


(Expected May 2019)

Individual or group report that may be presented in a wide range of formats – Further information will be set out in the Assessment Guidelines (Expected May 2019)

Length of Classroom based assessment

The CBA will be completed within a three-week period

The CBA will be completed within a three-week period

Physical Education

CBA One: Choice from six potential physical activity assessments (e.g. Personal Physical Activity Programme, Team Orienteering

Event, Performance Assessment in Athletics)

Link to Assessment Guidelines:

Student Learning

Each strand of the short course has an associated assessment. Students should complete a minimum of two assessments, ideally one assessment in each year of the short course. The assessments are designed to encourage students to strive for overall improvement in the selected physical activity.

How will students demonstrate their learning?


Personal Physical Activity Programme: Students are assessed on their ability to plan for, implement and evaluate their personal physical activity programme, designed to meet their personal improvement goals over a focused period of time.

Performance Assessment in Dance/Gymnastics: Students are assessed on their final group performance in dance or gymnastics.

Length of Classroom based assessment

This varies for each of the six, but in each case the assessment is an integral part of the normal teaching and learning that happens in PE class


CBA One: The Classroom-Based Assessment will be designed in consultation with the students based on learning outcomes in more than one strand of the course

Link to Assessment Guidelines:

Student Learning

Students will complete one Classroom-Based Assessment. A particular purpose of the Classroom-Based Assessment will be to facilitate developmental feedback to students during their engagement with the task and at the end of the process.

How will students demonstrate their learning?

The Classroom-Based Assessment can be produced in written, digital, visual or audio formats and it may be supported in these formats through the use of an interview or presentation.

Length of Classroom based assessment

It will take place over approximately six hours of class time in second or third year.


CBA One: Citizenship Action Record

Link to Assessment Guidelines:

Student Learning

Students will undertake at least three actions as part of their learning in CSPE and create a citizenship action record for one of these actions. The students will research their chosen issue/topic, plan the action that will take, complete the action and then reflect on their learning as part of the action.

How will students demonstrate their learning?

Students have choice in how they present their Citizenship Action Record. It can be produced in written, digital, visual and/or audio formats and it may be supported through the use of an interview or presentation. The students must demonstrate their learning in relation to the action and their reflections on the action.

Length of Classroom based assessment

Six-eight hours of class contact time. This will vary depending on the timetabling structure of CSPE in second or third year

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