Scoil Mhuire endeavours to educate and develop all of its students to their full potential in an atmosphere of care, respect and in a Catholic ethos. The school provides a holistic education for all students particularly those disadvantaged in any way.
As primarily a Mercy school, our Mission Statement is inspired by the vision of our founder, Catherine McAuley.
The school aims to:
- Provide a Christian environment where the pupil can experience and develop his/her faith;
- Maximise the academic and creative potential of each student through the provision of a broad and balanced curriculum;
- Nurture and develop in each pupil, a positive self-image;
- Equip each pupil with the necessary skills and guidance relevant to his/her lifestyle and future career;
- Help each pupil to mature as an understanding, tolerant and responsible person;
- Develop an appreciation in each pupil of his/her cultural heritage and an awareness of and respect for other cultural traditions;
- Promote in each pupil a sense of belonging to, having an appreciation of and respect for the natural environment and the community – immediate, local, national and worldwide.